Our little girl is getting bigger by the day. She does not like being naked, having a dirty diaper or getting a bath.(Until it comes to washing her hair, like a true woman she thouroughly enjoys that!!) She has been a bundle of fun, she's a great sleeper, she eats a TON. By the time we left the hospital she went from 8lbs 6oz to 7lbs 14oz, at her 6 day check up she was already up to 8lbs 12oz, really!?! And they thought that she was a little jaundice telling us that she wouldn't be a big eater, and that it'd probably take a while for her to put on some weight!! Let's just hope that she has Daddy's metabolism! Here are some of the latest and greatest of Rachel. She loves her little swing and like we said bath time is fun!! She did enjoy being in her little towel, so there's an upside! Besides, she needs to be clean!! When she sleeps she always looks SO content with everything, it makes us laugh!
15 hours ago
She's so freakin' adorable!! What about her bouncer?! Doesn't she love that?! j/k Can't wait to see you guys!
SUPER CUTE!!! Amber she is a doll!
That really is a cute little girl. I love the sleeping one! And can we get a closer look at that hot mama who does NOT look like she had a baby 11 days ago? People like you make people like me look extra bad! (I'm certain I was still in hiding, wearing a mumu at 11 days with the first one...)
what abby said
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